What is up within the symposion network and at member universities: 

New program at University of Kragujevac, Campus Jagodina: 


This program offers a teacher certificate (Post Graduate Certificate in Education, PGCE) in an academic period as short as two semesters. The programme is concentrated on the educational applicability of the necessary teacher competencies. One of the goals of this programme is to equip our candidates with general pedagogical and psychological as much as field-specific methodological knowledge and skills to teach certain content and manage schools worldwide. See more details here: 

„School of Creative solutions“ - training offered by Pädagogische Hochschule Oberösterreich (University of Education Upper Austria) - click here for details! 

Online-only participation is possible in the flex-based learning course!

For the Innovative Problem Solving course, however, the two attendance dates are necessary - so only online is not possible. There is no cost, except for travel expenses and hotel costs if somebody participates in the Innovative Problem Solving course in Linz.

New studyprogram in Sweden! Especially designed for international students! 

Linnæus University offers a unique study program designed for International students in teacher education - for more details download a pdf folder here: Download folder

Contact: Mathias Lundin and/or Charlotte Silander