Symposion - fostering an international dimension in teacher education 

Annual Symposion Network Meeting 2024 took place between May 14th and 16th 2024, at Volda University College, Volda, Norway! 

„Symposion“ is a network of European Teacher Education institutions and serves as a platform for developing and encouraging cooperation and promoting an international dimension in Educational Fields.

Next Symposion Network Meeting 2025 will be on May 14th and 15th 2025 at the University of Kragujevac in Jagodina, Serbia! 


Symposion Network is publishing a new podcast - Teaching Europe! Experts from all Symposion member universities speak on various educational topics! Series 1 is on inclusion. 

Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: click here 

Subscribe on Spotify: click here 

Listen directly to episode 1 with Kristina Hellberg, Sweden: 

Listen directly to episode 2 with Jose Middendorp, The Netherlands:  

Listen directly to episode 3 with Tobias Buchner, Austria: 

Listen directly to episode 4 with Veronique Roisin, France  

Listen directly to episode 5 with Emer Ring, Ireland

Listen directly to episode 6 with Nadja Vandenbroeck, Belgium 


See here Symposion Network’s steering team members statements about Symposion and its benefits: 

Caroline Moons, UCLL Leuven/Limburg, Belgium 

Miquel Robert, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain 

Stephane Brunel, INSPE University of Orléans, France 

Christian Kogler, University of Education Upper Austria, Austria 

Marija Stanojevic Veselinovic, University of Kragojevac, Faculty in Jagodina, Serbia 

Irene Belgrave, HAN University, Netherlands 

See here PHTV’s TV live broadcast with Symposion Members during the Symposion Meeting 2018 in Linz, Austria: 


Symposion Network 

@ Pädagogische Hochschule Oberösterreich Kaplanhofstrasse 40 

4020 Linz 


 +43 732 7470-0